Best Laid Schemes and Writing

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”

Desk with a view near Edinburgh

Robbie Burns was a man wise before his time. Life has a way of teaching us lessons, asked for or not. This past year I have learned a lot about acceptance and chaos. Without the first, the second can drive you mad.

It was a year packed full of important work, decisions made, plans and schemes laid…nearly all of which were sent off track, changed direction abruptly, or were completely upended, despite my best efforts to insist upon forcing the illusion of control upon reality. Needless to say, reality kicked me right on down the road despite my ongoing and loud protests. And my writing took a back seat to it all.

And yet. And yet.

Somehow I did end up just about where I intended to be, even if the process was altogether out of my personal control and none of the details matched up with my brilliantly laid plans. I am in a new place, settling in nicely, and dealing well with the new physical ailment my perverse fairy godmother decided to visit upon me.

The only real drawback to all that loss of control, the only thing that I really mourn for, is that the events and pressures of the past year came between me and my writing. You can clearly see that if you compare the date of this blog entry with the last one!

It feels good to own up to this and state my intentions to the Cosmos to dive back into writing now. I have not lost faith, nor surrendered any of my foolish illusions of control, you see. Now I am going to write. Watch me.

Also, please pray for me or perform a magic ritual or just send positive vibes. We all need all the help we can get.

Sending coffee and/or wine would not hurt either.